[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”REACH & TEACH : PROGRAMS” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]


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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Teachers Talk

Hear what teachers have to say about the Kids for Positive Change Program[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

“Of all our presenters this school year, Camille was by far the best. It is one thing to know your subject matter and to prepare and present a lesson in a way that is both educational and fun.  But it is another thing altogether to relate beautifully to children, to guide and go with the energy of the group and to do all of it with grace and ease.  Camille did all that and more.  I would absolutely recommend Camille Licate’s Kids For Positive Change as a presenter to children.” Valarie Gardner, Roots & Shoot Coordinator, Los Angeles, CA


“I do feel maturity and awareness has definitely been impacted. This has truly changed the way our students think about their environment!”  Principal Cris Rutz, Superior Intermediate School, Ashtabula, OH


“Kids for Positive Change has not only had a wonderful impact on our city and environment, but also my daughter. Kids for positive change offers authentic learning that allows children to use the knowledge they have learned in school and apply it to a real life situation. This is the deepest form of learning, and one that the children will always remember.”  Teacher, Ashtabula, OH


“Thank you so very much Camille! Your fun wisdom has planted a seed that will continue to grow. Thanks to your kindness and inspiring visit, these kids, who were able to see your presentation, will have a new found respect for birds and animals alike.”  – Parent, Campbell Hall School, LA, CA


“Throughout Camille’s very organized and fun presentation, she would let the children ask questions, which led each of them to discover more than they ever expected. The smiles on their faces were proof that they felt so lucky to have this experience.”  – Parent, Campbell Hall School, LA, CA


“At first, I was very skeptical about the KPC program and the amount of time it would require.  However, after seeing the reaction of the kids after the first presentation, I was sold! They were SO engaged that they were willing to give up one recess a week to work on KPC!  When kids are that motivated, they learn SO much more. This is learning with a purpose.


The thing I like most about KPC is the flexibility.  Some weeks I simply don’t have time to have the kids work on it and some weeks I do.  This program is so flexible, you can make it as big or as small as you’d like and the kids still feel involved and engaged.


This is what I would say to teachers that are hesitant about doing this program…Kids love it.  Kids will be engaged. Kids become problem solvers. Kids begin to care about the environment. Trust me…even if you don’t think you have time to do this program, try it.  Just dip your toe into the water and give it a try! You’ll be glad you did!” – 4th Grade Teacher, Debra Brail


“My daughter has issues with anxiety and speaking to people she does not know. However, her passion for kids for positive change has allowed her to go beyond that anxiety and speak publicly at school board meetings, City Council meetings, and even for news reporters. I am so very proud of kids for positive change, and my daughter.”  – Parent, Ashtabula, OH


“Sadie has loved being a part of this program. The impact it has had on her at the age of 10 exceeds anything I could ask for. She is confident in speaking to City leaders, she is passionate about saving animals and the beautiful earth we live on, and she is positive that kids can make a change. That surpasses anything you can learn in a book, she is a leader now not just to her peers but to the community. And I am forever thankful. Sadie will take this platform statewide while she competes for USA National Miss Ohio. This is helping her achieve big goals.”  – Parent, Ashtabula, OH


“A rare and wonderful experience.”  – Parent, St. John High School, Ashtabula, OH


“To see how excited they were about learning was a shining example of Camille’s ability to share her passion in a way that will be cherished by these children for years to come.”  – Heather, Neighborhood School Parent, LA, CA


“Thank you, Camille, for inspiring my troopers to care about animals and instilling in them the knowledge that each of us has the ability to change our world!  You are an inspiration to me as well!”  -Troop Leader & Roots & Shoot Coordinator, LA, CA


“Part of our Government unit focuses on public issues and how citizens in a democracy work for the common good.  This experience has given the students a wonderful foundation of knowledge.” – 5th Grade Teacher, Cynthia Satori
